Well, I'm sad to report that Marjorie Christofferson, the Latter-day Saint woman who was raked over the coals by the gay community for her personal donation of $100 to support Prop. 8, has resigned from El Coyote, a Mexican restaurant in Los Angeles.
Let's refresh our memories on the scenario. Marjorie, who managed the restaurant and was on its board of directors, donates $100 of her own money on her own time to support a cause that aligns with her personal beliefs. Some of the gay employees and patrons catch wind of this and call for an large-scale boycott of the restaurant. (Mind you, the donation was done on her own time and had nothing whatsoever to do with the restaurant.) The restaurant management invites the gay community for a free lunch and pledges donations of $5,000 each to two gay-rights groups - in other words, $10,000, which is 100 times what Marjorie had donated herself.
But is this enough?
The gay activists, as caught on video, say that they want Marjorie to donate from her own pocket to the No on 8 side - something that is diametrically opposed to her personal beliefs. They relentlessly continue to boycott the restaurant until Christofferson steps down from her livelihood and her role at a family restaurant that's dear to her heart.
Hizzeather, Christa Jeanne and Melissa
Last month Hizzeather, Melissa and I , along with my roommate, went up to L.A. to dine at El Coyote, and Marjorie actually stepped out and sat with us for a few minutes. Although the restaurant was busy when we were there, she said it was actually really slow compared to how it had been, and that the family-like staff were sticking with her, even though it was causing them financial hardship.
thanks for the post! i'm emailing!
I feel for Marjorie, it's sad when one has been so brainwashed by their church. She claimed the church asked for for a donation and she gave it to them.
I think people are confused. Most people could careless about her PERSONAL feelings towards marriage. What most people take great offense with is when ANYONE finds it acceptable to take away RIGHTS from AMERICAN CITIZENS.
Same-sex marriage was legal in California and yet for the first time in the history of the United States of America, we just voted to REMOVE rights from certain citizens. It's shameful, wrong and immoral.
Sure, I understand having a open dialog on the issues of the day, but will NOT tolerate anyone advocating the taking away for rights from Citizens of the United States of America.
It reminds me, in Nazi Germany, the Christians once said "It's okay because they are JEWS" As the Christians supported HITLER, then in America, the Christians once said "It's okay because they're BLACK" As the Christians supported SLAVERY! Today, these Christians are at it again, as they say "It's okay because they're GAY"
Well, I'm here to tell you... it was NOT okay in Nazi Germany and it surely is not okay in the United States of America in the year 2009.
Abraham Lincoln once said, that all mankind deserves the same rights and freedoms as anyone else, and anyone choosing to take away such rights, should indeed have NO rights at all.
I find it amazing that Saddam threatened the rights of American Citizens and we went to WAR, the Mormons amongst others go after the rights of certain Americans and we do NOTHING? How can that be? We should demand that our government go after anyone that would support the taking away of rights from other Americans. Again, it is shameful, wrong and immoral and will no longer be tolerated.
Can you imagine... we're overseas fighting two wars and yet in the United States we are now voting to remove rights from Americans. How is that possible? And will you only care when it personally effects you?
Again, I have no issues at all with someone believe that marriage should be between a man and woman. No issues with that at all, but when you go after the RIGHTS of other American citizens. Shame on YOU! You should be in prison for such actions. Shame shame shame on YOU!
Then there are those that say this is about tradition. Well, I would have to ask... who's tradition. And whom are you to define MY tradition or my childrens?
Who's tradition should we go with? Should we go with the oldest tradition in America? The oldest in the United States would be... ONE white man and ONE white woman? Is that the tradition you want? Sadly many Americans would say yes.
What about the oldest Mormon tradition? You know... the one with multiple wives? What about the Jewish tradition or the Muslim?
Who is ANYONE to define my tradition of marriage?
The Romans were marrying same-sex couples LONG before the Christians got involved with marriage. As a matter of fact, same-sex couples were marrying even when Jesus walked the planet and yet Jesus said NOTHING. Yes, it's true!
Sure, some homophobes make mention to certain aspects of homosexuality in the bible, but NO where does God or Jesus say anything at all.
Proverbs 6:16-19 tells us, "There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers." Notice that homosexuality does not make this list. It would be more biblical to promote phrases such as "God hates liars" and "God hates murderers." In fact, the Bible nowhere directly states that God hates homosexuals or homosexuality.
Which begs my question... then why do you? If not a issue for Jesus, then why would it be your issue?
I feel for Marjorie, it's sad when one has been so brainwashed by their church. She claimed the church asked for for a donation and she gave it to them.
I think people are confused. Most people could careless about her PERSONAL feelings towards marriage. What most people take great offense with is when ANYONE finds it acceptable to take away RIGHTS from AMERICAN CITIZENS.
Same-sex marriage was legal in California and yet for the first time in the history of the United States of America, we just voted to REMOVE rights from certain citizens. It's shameful, wrong and immoral.
Sure, I understand having a open dialog on the issues of the day, but will NOT tolerate anyone advocating the taking away for rights from Citizens of the United States of America.
It reminds me, in Nazi Germany, the Christians once said "It's okay because they are JEWS" As the Christians supported HITLER, then in America, the Christians once said "It's okay because they're BLACK" As the Christians supported SLAVERY! Today, these Christians are at it again, as they say "It's okay because they're GAY"
Well, I'm here to tell you... it was NOT okay in Nazi Germany and it surely is not okay in the United States of America in the year 2009.
Abraham Lincoln once said, that all mankind deserves the same rights and freedoms as anyone else, and anyone choosing to take away such rights, should indeed have NO rights at all.
I find it amazing that Saddam threatened the rights of American Citizens and we went to WAR, the Mormons amongst others go after the rights of certain Americans and we do NOTHING? How can that be? We should demand that our government go after anyone that would support the taking away of rights from other Americans. Again, it is shameful, wrong and immoral and will no longer be tolerated.
Can you imagine... we're overseas fighting two wars and yet in the United States we are now voting to remove rights from Americans. How is that possible? And will you only care when it personally effects you?
Again, I have no issues at all with someone believe that marriage should be between a man and woman. No issues with that at all, but when you go after the RIGHTS of other American citizens. Shame on YOU! You should be in prison for such actions. Shame shame shame on YOU!
Then there are those that say this is about tradition. Well, I would have to ask... who's tradition. And whom are you to define MY tradition or my childrens?
Who's tradition should we go with? Should we go with the oldest tradition in America? The oldest in the United States would be... ONE white man and ONE white woman? Is that the tradition you want? Sadly many Americans would say yes.
What about the oldest Mormon tradition? You know... the one with multiple wives? What about the Jewish tradition or the Muslim?
Who is ANYONE to define my tradition of marriage?
The Romans were marrying same-sex couples LONG before the Christians got involved with marriage. As a matter of fact, same-sex couples were marrying even when Jesus walked the planet and yet Jesus said NOTHING. Yes, it's true!
Sure, some homophobes make mention to certain aspects of homosexuality in the bible, but NO where does God or Jesus say anything at all.
Proverbs 6:16-19 tells us, "There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers." Notice that homosexuality does not make this list. It would be more biblical to promote phrases such as "God hates liars" and "God hates murderers." In fact, the Bible nowhere directly states that God hates homosexuals or homosexuality.
Which begs my question... then why do you? If not a issue for Jesus, then why would it be your issue?
Then there are those that say this is about "saving" marriage. I'd have to ask... Exactly what is so great about heterosexual marriage that you're wanting to save?
In the United States we currently have a 53% divorce rate amongst first marriages, out of this 53%... 95% of these divorcing are "Professing" Christians.
They stood at the alter, in front of God, their family and friends and are divorcing at alarming rates.
So I would have to wonder again... if you're truly serious about "saving" marriage as you claim and this is not just rampant homophobia, then exactly what should we do with all THESE CHRISTIANS filling our courts with their divorce cases and breaking up families.
Talk about saving our children. You're right.
We should BAN CHRISTIANS from marriage. Their divorce rates are alarming. How many Christians have to divorce before we figure it out?
Look at the incredible high divorce rates and teen pregnancies amongst Mormons.
What should we do to these people whom have RUINED marriage?
I'm serious. 95% of all divorces come from people whom profess to be Christians. If you're really serious about saving marriage, shouldn't we at the very least ban those that are actually RUINING it.
And before anyone starts with heterosexual marriage has been going since the start of time. Please... save that for someone without a education, because anyone with half a brain would know that the Romans were marrying same-sex couples LONG before the Christians ever got involved with marriage.
Yeah, I'm all for saving marriage... but to go after loving consenting adults. Shameful. We have a long record of who's actually divorcing in this country and obviously the Gay community isn't to blame for the disgrace of marriage today in America and shame on anyone that would suggest such.
Can you be anymore of a coward as to blame the Gay population for the alarmingly high divorce rates amongst Christians.
Yeah, save marriage... save our children.... ban Christians from marriage... their history shows us, they're unable to handle the sanctity of marriage. Time to wake up and face facts. The facts are there... wake up and figure it out.
Chuck, you don't understand the argument. We're trying to preserve marriage between a man and a woman because it's the cornerstone of our society and of most societies for millenia. It has its problems, that's true, but that doesn't make marriage bad. I wish people would take marriage more seriously and not divorce on a whim.
But that's a red herring that's totally irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
You're welcome to your opinion, but please don't come in here and just rant and rave about your miscontstrued interpretation of our ideas. If you have a rational point for discussion, I'm all ears.
As for God or Christ not discussing homosexuality - I believe the entire Bible to be the word of God so far as it's translated correctly, meaning that everything in there (whether from God or Christ's lips or from another writer) is God's will. If we want to get specific, an ancient prophet (Lot, I think it was?) fled from Sodom and Gomorrah because some men were trying to have their way with him. The New Testament talks about "unnatural affection" as a sign of the last days, which I take to mean homosexuality.
It isn't at all that we hate gays or have problems with what they do behind closed doors - at least I don't. They have their agency.
But altering what we term "marriage" does way more than change a relationship into one that's legally solemnized. In fact, same-sex couples can already do that, and they get equal protection here in California.
Calling it marriage is like calling a tangerine an orange - similar, but no matter what you try to call it, it just isn't the same thing.
For a more thorough explanation of the problematic unintended consequences of same-sex marriage that we're trying to stave off with Prop. 8, read http://preservingmarriage.blogspot.com/2008/10/chilling-read-on-how-same-sex-marriage.html
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