Friday, November 14, 2008

Prop. 8 press conference denounces harassment and intimidation from No on 8'ers

From the reports of my friends, today's press conference in Santa Ana was inspiring, seeing how much support there is for Prop. 8 and for those of us who vocally and prominently supported it.

Those who attended were encouraged to sign the petition at and to write a letter to the California Secretary of State and Governor. All the info and sample letters posted at

Here's the O.C. Register's (left-leaning, as usual) report on today's press conference:

SANTA ANA - Proposition 8 leaders gathered today to denounce their opponents' post-election tactics as harassment, intimidation and – in the case of white powder sent to two Mormon temples – "domestic terrorism."

Ten days after the Prop. 8 ban on gay marriage was approved by voters, protests and lawsuits by gay marriage opponents show no signs of abating. Indeed, several dozen protesters were on hand outside the Santa Ana hotel where the pro-Prop. 8 press conference was held, and at least two more Orange County protests are planned for the weekend.

Prop. 8 leaders were quick to acknowledge that demonstrations and lawsuits were the right of protesters – but other tactics that were out of bounds.

"What they don't have the right to do is harass and intimidate people," said Frank Schubert, director of the Prop. 8 campaign. "They don't have a right to blacklist and boycott our supporters."

Schubert listed three businesses that had been boycotted or threatened with boycotts by Prop. 8 foes.

Newspaper accounts have specified at least three more. Cinemark Theatres, which
has cinemas in Orange County, has also been mentioned as a possible target.

Leaders of the battle against Prop. 8 and protesters interviewed outside today's press conference condemned the use of violence, threats of physical harm, and the mailing of an unidentified white powder to two temples of the Mormons, who contributed significantly to the Prop. 8 campaign.

Trust me, I have love for the Reg, my former employer and all, but their Prop. 8 stories are so skewed, it drives me batty! Go add your comments!

And, by the way, here is a statement from Salt Lake issued today:

Since the people of California voted to reaffirm the sanctity of traditional marriage between a man and a woman on November 4, 2008, places of worship have been targeted by opponents of Proposition 8 with demonstrations and, in some cases, vandalism. People of faith have been intimidated for simply exercising their democratic rights. These are not actions that are worthy of the democratic ideals of our nation. The end of a free and fair election should not be the beginning of a hostile response in America.

The Church is keenly aware of the differences of opinion on this difficult and sensitive matter. The reasons for this principled stand in defense of marriage have already been articulated elsewhere. However, some of what we have seen since Californians voted to pass Proposition 8 has been deeply disappointing.

Attacks on churches and intimidation of people of faith have no place in civil discourse over controversial issues. People of faith have a democratic right to express their views in the public square without fear of reprisal. Efforts to force citizens out of public discussion should be deplored by people of goodwill everywhere.
We call upon those who have honest disagreements on this issue to urge restraint upon the extreme actions of a few that are further polarizing our communities and urge them to act in a spirit of mutual respect and civility towards each other.

That, to me, is true class.

For more information go to


FS Carrie said...

certainly, harassment and threats are out of order. But why is boycotting off limits? Boycotting is a completely peaceful form of protest.

Liz said...

Hey Christa Jeanne, I just wanted to say "thanks" again for inviting me to your blog. You've got a great thing going here following all these news releases and such. Here's a link to my own musings on Prop 8. Keep up the good work!


Liz said...

fs carrie,

In an economy as sensitive as ours right now, boycotting is a ludicrous idea. Consumerism is at an all-time low and people think it'd be okay to promote anti-consumerism anywhere?

Besides, attacking someone's livelihood is hardly "peaceful." While there is certainly no overt violence in the act, it is still damaging to one's life. The very act of boycotting is to wish someone ill-will, to "teach them a lesson." It's an intimidation tactic and most reprehensible.

Just my opinion,

beetlebabee said...

There is a difference between boycotting in a large group all at once and informed responsible consumerism. If the boycott is big enough, it can destroy someone almost as an afterthought. It nearly crosses the line into mob thuggery if not used carefully.

What happened at the El Coyote clearly crossed the line.

FS Carrie said...

boycotting is just choosing not to buy something. I boycott all animal products, for example, because I oppose the treatment of animals on farms. I am not concerned about whether those people go out of business-- I oppose what they do. I am not obligated to buy their products, and no one is obligated to buy the products of a Yes on 8 supporter. That's just silly.

Anonymous said...

Hi - We are continuing to blog together, if you would like to join us, please let me know.


Liz said...

"I oppose what they do. I am not obligated to buy their products..."

Oh, well, great! Then I guess you're okay with me boycotting same-sex marriage for the same reason. I oppose what they do (homosexuality). I am not obligated to embrace their lifestyle.

Anonymous said...

I think you're catching on.